PowerTCP Zip Compression for .NET
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Decompress Zip File Example
The following example demonstrates decompression of a zip file using the Archive component. The archive is AES 256 encrypted. Progress is provided during the operation.
private void buttonUnzip_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Open a zip file to decompress.
//Decrypt the zip file using AES 256.
archive1.DefaultEncryption = Dart.PowerTCP.Zip.Encryption.Aes256Bit;
archive1.Password = "321!thisIsMyPassword";
//Decompress the file, preserving paths.
archive1.PreservePath = true;
catch (Exception ex)
//Display message if operation encounters an error.
textWarnings.AppendText("Error: " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine);
private void archive1_Progress(object sender, Dart.PowerTCP.Zip.ProgressEventArgs e)
//Show zip progress for each item in the folder.
progressItem.Maximum = 100;
double itemPercent = ((double)e.ProcessedItemBytes / (double)e.Item.Size) * 100;
progressItem.Value = Convert.ToInt16(itemPercent);
//Show zip progress for the entire folder.
progressTotal.Maximum = 100;
double totalPercent = ((double)e.ProcessedTotalBytes / (double)e.TotalBytes) * 100;
progressTotal.Value = Convert.ToInt16(totalPercent);
private void archive1_Exception(object sender, Dart.PowerTCP.Zip.ExceptionEventArgs e)
//Display any warnings that occur during the operation.
textWarnings.AppendText("Warning: " + archive1[e.Index].Name + " - " +
e.Exception.Message + Environment.NewLine);
The PowerTCP Zip Compression for .NET Compress a Folder example is included with a trial installation of PowerTCP Zip Compression for .NET. To download a trial please visit the PowerTCP Zip Compression for .NET product page.