PowerTCP SSL for ActiveX
from $999.00Available Platforms
FTP ActiveX Control
The Ftp control is a powerful and flexible component-based implementation of the FTP protocol. High-level properties and methods provide quick code creation and ease-of use, while access to lower-level properties and methods provide power and control. Here are some feature highlights:
- Select SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, PCT, TLS or unencrypted FTP communications.
- Login method combines connection setup and authentication into one easy step.
- MGet and MPut methods transfer multiple files, including directory trees, with a single line of code.
- Customize certificate acceptance and rejection; client authentication fully supported.
- The powerful DartStream object permits the transfer of files directly to and from memory.
- Supports both asynchronous (event-driven) and synchronous (scripted) application designs.
- Supports large file transfers, with sizes greater than 4 GB.
- Resumes interrupted transfers, and aborts transfers without losing the session connection.
- Progress event reports data sent and received in real-time.
- Listing object automatically parses listings into easy-to-use objects.
- Performs ASCII or Binary transfers, in both Passive and Active modes.
- Command method sends custom and raw commands to the server.
- Creates and deletes folders on the server.
- Get and Put methods perform complete transfer sessions from a single line of code.
- Trace method provides access to the underlying communication, making logging and debugging sessions easy.
- The Ftp control is NOT dependent on Wininet.dll.
- Transfers files through all common firewalls and proxies, including Socks 4/5, Ftp SITE, Ftp USER, Ftp OPEN, Http CONNECT, and more.
- Can be used in traditional client applications and services, as well as scalable ASP applications.
- Can operate transparently in the background while other tasks are performed, or operate interactively like in most popular FTP applications.
Public Properties |
Allocate | Indicates whether space must be allocated on a server as part of the Store method. |
Authentication | Specifies the security protocol and authentication type used. |
Blocked | A True value indicates the control is currently executing a blocking method (Timeout is greater than 0), which has neither completed nor timed out with a ptTimeout error. |
Certificate | Certificate Object to use when authenticating to the remote host. |
Directory | Working directory on the server. |
FileStructure | File structure to be used for subsequent file transfers. |
Listing | Object containing results from the last use of the List method or the NameList method. |
LocalAddress | When the State property is tcpConnected, LocalAddress returns the address of the local host in dot notation (for example, nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn). When not connected, it returns an empty string. |
LocalDataPort | Gets or sets a string used to restrict the local data port to a value or range compatible with your firewall. |
LocalPort | When the State property is tcpConnected, LocalPort returns the port number that the socket is bound to. When not connected, it returns 0. |
Passive | Indicates how the data connection is formed. |
Protocol | Specifies the security protocol used. |
ProxyHost | Specifies the name or address of the proxy server that requests are to be routed through. |
ProxyPassword | Password to be sent on all requests through a proxy server that requires authentication. |
ProxyPort | Specifies the port used by proxy server that requests are to be routed through. |
ProxyType | The type of proxy server used for this connection. |
ProxyUsername | Username to be sent on all requests through a proxy server that requires authentication. |
RemoteAddress | Returns the address of the remote host in dot notation (i.e. nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn) when the State property is tcpConnected. |
RemotePort | Returns the port number of the remote host when the State property is tcpConnected. |
Restart | Indicates the server supports a restart mechanism for file downloads. |
SecretKey | Sets the secret key used in password encryption. |
Security | Sets the security level during communication. |
State | Provides status information to the user interface. The State event fires to signal that this property has changed. |
StoreType | Type of store that will be performed when the Store method is called. |
System | Type of operating system used by the server. |
Timeout | Controls the blocking behavior of methods that can be used in blocking and non-blocking ways. |
TransferMode | Transfer mode to be used for subsequent file transfers. |
Type | Data type to be used for subsequent file transfers. |
Public Methods | |
Abort | Abort any blocking method and release all system resources. |
AbortCommand | Gracefully abort the last command sent. |
About | Show the About Box. |
ChangeDirectoryUp | Set the working directory to the parent directory. The Directory property can be checked to discover the new working directory. |
ClearCertificate | Clears the Certificate object contained in the Cerificate property. |
Command | Send any command string to the server. This method is useful for using servers that have an extended vocabulary. |
Delete | Delete a file on the server. |
Get | Log in, get a file, and log out in one step. |
Help | Request helpful information from the server. The command takes an optional argument (for example, any command name) and returns more specific information as a response. |
List | Get a file directory listing. The server sends name and supplementary information on each file found within the specified PathName. The Listing property is populated with this information. |
Login | Connect to a server and send the commands to authenticate a session. |
Logout | Gracefully log off and terminate the connection. |
MakeDirectory | Create a directory. |
MGet | Retrieve (get) multiple files or entire directory trees. |
MPut | Store (put) multiple files or entire directory trees. |
NameList | Get a file directory listing without file attributes. The server sends a file name for each file found within the PathName specified. The Listing property is filled with filenames (only the Name property is initialized). |
NoOperation | Check the status of the control connection. The server should send an OK reply. |
Put | Login, store a file, and logout in one easy step. |
RemoveDirectory | Remove a directory. |
Rename | Rename a file. |
Retrieve | Retrieve (get) a complete file or part of a file starting at a specified position. |
Site | Specify or request site-specific services. The nature of these services and the specification of their syntax can be found in the Result parameter of the Help method. |
Status | Get server status information. |
Store | Store (send) a complete file, or part of a file starting at a specified position. |
StructureMount | Mount a different file system data structure without altering login or accounting information. |
Trace | Start or stop the accumulation of trace or debug data. Once started, this method accumulates data until it is turned off. |
Public Events | |
Authenticate | Fires when the remote host has sent a certificate to be authenticated. |
Certificate | Fires when the remote host is requesting a certificate and the Certificate property is not set to a valid Certificate Object. |
Error | Fires when an error condition occurs. |
Progress | Fires when the server replies to a command or while a file transfer takes place. The control interprets the reply and presents progress information with this event. |
State | Fires when the State property changes. |
Code Example
How easy is the FTP ActiveX component to use? Check out the following VB example below, which demonstrates a simple file transfer.
Private Sub DoSecureLogin()
' The FTP server in this example is using Explicit SSL
Ftp1.Authentication = atExplicitNormal ' Perform all checks in the Authenticate event.
Ftp1.Protocol = secureAuto ' Login to the server. Security will be negotiated first.
Ftp1.Login "server", "test", "password", , 21 ' Success! SSL connection established. Get help on the STOR
' command (just to test the SSL connection)
Dim Response As String
Ftp1.Help Response, "STOR" ' Print the response.
Debug.Print (Response) ' Logout
End Sub
Private Sub Ftp1_Authenticate(ByVal RemoteCertificate As DartFtpCtl.ICertificate, ByVal TrustedRoot As Boolean,
ByVal ValidDate As Boolean, ByVal ValidSignature As Boolean, Valid As Boolean)
Dim Msg As String
' Check various parts of the certificate to give the user a chance
' cancel if desired.
If Not Valid Then
If Not ValidDate And IgnoreDate = False Then Msg = Msg + "- Certificate date is invalid" + vbCrLf
If Not TrustedRoot And IgnoreRoot = False Then Msg = Msg + "- Certificate Authority is not trusted" + vbCrLf
If Not ValidSignature Then Msg = Msg + "- Certificate does not contain a valid signature" + vbCrLf
End If
If DoHostNameCheck And IgnoreHost = False Then
If RemoteCertificate.IssuedTo <> Host Then
Valid = False
Msg = Msg + "- The name on the security certificate does not match the name of the site" + vbCrLf
End If
End If
If Msg <> "" Then
Msg = "The following conditions are true:" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + Msg + vbCrLf + vbCrLf
Msg = Msg + "Do you still wish to authenticate?"
If MsgBox(Msg, vbYesNo + vbExclamation, "Security Alert") = vbYes Then
DoHostNameCheck = False
Valid = True
End If
Valid = True
End If
End Sub