Upload a File Code Example
The following example demonstrates a file upload using the Web control. Uploading files requires a multipart MIME message, which are created automatically by the Web control. Contrast this with the PowerTCP Http control, which requires the developer to create the MIME message manually.
Private Function PostFile(ByVal url As String, ByVal filename As String)
'Open file to read and post.
Dim file As New DartStream
file.FileMode = createExisting
file.filename = filename
file.Ref = "file1"
file.Position = 0
'Add file to files to post collection.
Dim files As New DartStreams
files.Add file
Web1.Request.FilesToPost = files
'Send Post and get server response.
Web1.Request.url = url
'Return response.
Dim response As String
response = GetVersion(Web1.response.version) + " "
response = response + CStr(Web1.response.Status)
response = response + " " + Web1.response.StatusText + vbCrLf
response = response + Web1.response.Header.All + vbCrLf
response = response + Web1.response.Body.ReadString
PostData = response
End Function
Private Function GetVersion(ByVal version As WebVersionConstants)
GetVersion = ""
If version = webHTTP10 Then GetVersion = "HTTP/1.0"
If version = webHTTP11 Then GetVersion = "HTTP/1.1"
End Function